Are your products new and original ?

On our site, you will find only new and original products.

Can I cancel my order? How is the cancellation performed?

a. Before payment, the order can be cancelled at any time.

b. After payment, the customer can still cancel the order by sending us an e-mail containing all the information about the product ordered, with a justification for the cancellation and his contact information.

c. The order can also be cancelled free of charge if it has not yet been delivered to a delivery service and if it is still in the possession of FreeGaaming.

d. If the order has already been delivered to the delivery service, the customer always has the possibility to cancel the order. In this case, the shipping costs are at the expense of the customer if he returns the goods (in its intact packing and with its accessories) to FreeGaaming. After reception of the goods, FreeGaaming checks the state of the packing. If the goods are intact and also contain accessories, the amount will be refunded to the customer. (You will find more information of the Termes of sales).

Will I be charged anything other than the displayed price after confirming my order placement?

No additional costs will be charged to you - the price displayed during the order placement and confirmation process includes all costs.

Can I pay for a product in installments?

FreeGaaming does not offer the possibility of payment by installments. No credits are offered to the customer by FreeGaaming.

Where can I ship my order?

On the whole Australian territory